Mothering Alone video now available →
Sustaining and fostering the growth of psychoanalysis within the North American Geographical Region
NAPsaC Goals




NAPsaC Projects

Video from our Mothering Alone conference now available!

In March, in conjunction with the IPA, NAPsaC hosted a virtual meeting “Meet the Candidates”.  All those running to be a North American representative to the IPA attended to present their goals if elected.  A useful and friendly discussion followed. Once the six candidates were elected, having met them previously would make it easier for us to congratulate them and plan a future meeting between NAPsaC and the elected NAM representatives, once they become more familiar with the work which they will have on the IPA Board.

The NAPsaC program committee has been very productive.  NAPsaC’s Clinical Experience presentation at APsaA’s 2021winter meeting was well received.  NAPsaC is planning another presentation for the next APsaA meeting in 2022. 

A NAPsaC panel "Annihilation:  Collective Infantile Anxieties Resurfacing From the COVID-19 Pandemic” was presented and extremely well received at the IPA 2021 Vancouver Congress. 

On Saturday morning, October 23, NAPsaC offered its first Roundtable "Body to Body: The Impact of External Reality on the Analytic Couple” for a minimal voluntary donation of $25.00.  All three Federations were represented (NAPsaC, FEPAL, EPF as well as APsaA), that is, the presenters were from Europe, South America, Canada and the U.S.  Although there had been much discussion about the advisability of going back to the office, the presenters focused sensitively on the value and meaning of having two bodies in the room.  This event, the representative presenters, as well as the presence of the President of the IPA, Harriett Wolf, supported NAPsaC’ s goal of forging stronger relationships with the other two Federations (EPF and FEPAL) and with the IPA. 

Other such events will be planned by NAPsaC as the attendees seemed very involved and for those who could not attend the ‘Body to Body” presentation a link to the video is below. 

NAPsaC Clinical Panel "Body to Body: The Impact of External Reality on the Analytic Couple" video

Other NAPsaC Activities

In September a Regional President’s Meeting and the IPA (arranged by APsaA and chaired by NAPsaC’s President MKO) discussed issues such as:  The attendance at the online IPA Congress was much larger than other Congresses and the majority of attendees were satisfied with online reception; The Cartagena Congress in July 2023 is being planned and may be both in person and online; the President of the IPA raised three issues which are being studied and carried forward: 1. Governance; 2. Remote analysis and Training; 3. Prejudice and Racism.  Each of the three regions gave a report. FEPAL has serious financial problems due to the devaluation of their currency.  Their Sept. 2022 meeting will be held virtually.  EPF reported that since vaccination, a number of analysts are practicing in their offices but training remains on line.  The EPF Congress for 2022 will be held in Vienna, next July.  NAPasC’s President will attend the Annual or Biannual Congresses of the EPF and FEPAL. 

The work of the Holmes Commission on racism is supported by NAPsaC.  APsaA formed and funded the Commission.  NAPsaC’ s American Independent Societies and the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society will each decide on the nature their participation.  Currently these societies are agreeing to participate.

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